The picture is signed with the words: FLORES MEI FRUCTUS HONORTUS ('My flowers are fruit of fame'). Bridget is kneeling frontally, plant twigs are growing out of her breast with unwound calixes of the lily at the end. In these flowers there are half-length images of people, which are signed with the names: CAROLUS, BIRGERUS, BENEDICT, GVDMARVS, MERITA, ST. CATHARINA, INGEBVRGIS, CAECILIA. These are the names of her sons and daughters. In the highest two flowers we can see two groups of people.
These are nuns and monks of the Bridget Order. The figures of children are composed without the chronology of seniority, at a similar distance from their mother. Only nuns and monks are shown at the height of the triumphing Mary and Christ. With their hands folded to prayer they are looking at the Mother of God, while Bridget's children are looking ahead. Only St. Catherine is holding a book in her hand, and Birgerus in one hand a sword, and in the second a rosary.
Bridget's figure assumed the form of a trunk, which roots are firmly rooted into the Earth. The arrangement of her hands in the orant gesture seems to form a unity with the twigs that grow out of her breast. Such an image can be found in one of the vision of the Saint, where Bridget is compared to the vine matrix, meaning the founder of a new order, from whom the useful branches will grow out. The caption also says: FLORES MEI FRUCTUS HONORIS.
This image is supplemented by another inscription, placed on the banderole held by Christ: HANC RELIGION AD HONOR MATRIS MEAE PER MULIERES PRIMUM ET PRINCIPALITER STATUERE VOLO ('I want to establish this convent in honour of my Mother, to be the first major among women'). Mary accepts this gift and promises this Order, dedicated to Her by Her Son, to defend it with a peculiar grace and to fill it with a bless of the Holy Spirit.