Rectorial Church under the invocation of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Victorious in Lublin
Gabriel Narutowicz 6 Street, 20-004 Lublin
Tel: +48 81 52 58 831
Fax: +48 81 743 70 19
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pr. M.A. Dariusz Marek Bondyra rector tel. ext. 30
Pr. M.A. Grzegorz Musiał - resident - tel. ext. 33
Pr. hab dr Jarosław Jan Jęczeń resident - tel. ext. 35
Pr. dr Marcin Zieliński resident - tel. ext. 45
Church office/Sacristy - tel. ext. 28
NIP 946-18-34-104
REGON 040085258
Bank account:
PL 80 8689 0007 7000 1471 2000 0010