This is Bridget's next vision. She had it when she was ten. The image was signed with the words: CUM CHRISTO CRUCIFIXO LOQVITUR (She is talking to the Crucified Christ).
The Saint is kneeling before the Crucified Christ. From the mouth of St. Bridgit some words are uttered: DOMINE, QVIS FECIT TIBI ISTUD ('Lord, who did it to You'? - a mirror inscription), Christ answers: QVI ME CONTEMNUNT ('Those who despise me'). This vision happened at night, after she heard a sermon about the Passion of the Saviour in the church. She saw the Christ as if crucified and complaining: 'I am so scourged'. What she understood as if it had just happened and she replied: 'O, Lord! Who did it to You? Christ answered: 'Those who despise me and do not care for my love do it to me'.
This event has significant influence on the Passion piety of St. Bridget, which will become the main theme of her spiritual reflections. In her ecstatic states, the Saint saw and experienced the crucifixion of Jesus twice more. The discussed image depicts the first such vision. The scene is set in the church: the dark background of the interior is brightened by the light coming out of the big window, which closes the perspective of the composition. As in one of the earlier images, these two events which took place in different times, were portrayed together.
In this painting Bridget was portrayed in a rich attire: in an ermine coat and in sophisticated hairstyle. In this way the artist wanted to emphasize her high social origins, and by contrast with next paintings, where Bridget was dressed in a monastic habit, wanted to point to the two stages of her life: the first when she led a secular life and the second when she lived as a nun.